The Memnosyne Foundation and Sustainable Dallas
in Association with The City of Dallas,
proudly present
"The Dallas Green Expo"!

The Mission
Sustainable Dallas provides leadership and guidance to businesses, institutions, and communities in our region to create an economically profitable, socially responsible, and environmentally sound future.
Sustainable Dallas, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, was begun in 1999 with the purpose of creating a sustainable local community
The Vision
To build a network of businesses and institutions working to develop and implement sustainable practices throughout our Dallas/Fort Worth region.
The Mission
The Mission of The Memnosyne Foundation is to provide mankind with the means to encourage positive, peaceful global collaboration in all areas of knowledge.
This is being achieved by ongoing global programs, via a Virtual Campus and via the creation of The Memnosyne Campus For Humanity which will be built in Dallas, Texas.
The Vision
The Vision
The Vision of The Memnosyne Foundation is to help the diverse people of the the world consciously encourage an evolution for themselves and for future generations.

Assigned Leadership:
Tom Kemper
Assigned Leadership:
Phillip Shinoda
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