The Memnosyne Foundation is currently a campus without walls with programs around the globe, including in its home city, Dallas, Texas.
The Mission
of The Memnosyne Foundation is to provide mankind with the means to encourage positive, peaceful global collaboration in all areas of knowledge. This is being achieved via our ongoing global programs and via the creation of campuses, the first of which will be located in Dallas, Texas, USA.
The Vision
of The Memnosyne Foundation is to help the diverse people of the world consciously encourage an evolution for themselves and for future generations.”
Our “Vision” is the hope, our “Mission” is the how.
The History of The Memnosyne Foundation
The Memnosyne Foundation Team
Public Relations Contact Information
What is a "Memnosyne"?
The Need For The Memnosyne Campus For Humanity
Although the creation of "The Memnosyne Campus For Humanity" is central to our vision of providing mankind with the means to encourage positive, peaceful global collaboration in all areas of knowledge, we are already "a campus without walls" via our ongoing programs across the globe, and have plans for creating a Virtual Campus accessible via the internet in the near future.
Please click on any of the following Centers of knowldge to learn about our programs in their areas:
Center for Health And Medicine
Current Programs
Future Campus Building Collaborators
Virtual Campus Building
Center For Green Technology
Current Programs:

Community Forums

Dallas Green Expo
Future Campus Building Collaborators
Virtual Campus Building
Center for Visual, Performing, Musical, Literary and Culinary Arts
Current Programs
Future Campus Building Collaborators
Virtual Campus Building
Center for Spirituality
Current Programs
Future Campus Building Collaborators
Virtual Campus Building
Center for Interfaith Inquiry
Current Programs
Future Campus Building Collaborators
Virtual Campus Building
Center for Indigenous Cultural Preservation
Current Programs
Future Campus Building Collaborators
Virtual Campus Building
Center for Global and Local Community Outreach/Administration
(Includes sponsorships and grants)
Global and local Community Outreach

Current Programs

Future Campus Building Collaborators

Virtual Campus Building

Our Team
(From Top left to bottom right):Tanzania - The Memnosyne Coloring Book Project in collaboration with Project Pallet was given to a Tanzanian school for the mentally and physically handicapped. Teotihuacan Mexico - Ricardo Cervantes Cervantes, a spiritual leader of the Toltec people of Teotihuacan and Lama Tenzin exchange their cultures' knowledge. The Memnosyne Foundation will be sponsoring Ricardo Cervantes to be one of only two Native American spiritual leaders to join the Dalai Lama in Seattle for the "Seeds of Compassion Conference" organized jointly by Lama Tenzin and Dan Kranzler in Seattle USA of April 2008. Dallas, Texas USA - Memnosyne Foundation Co-Founder/President, Mary Ann Thompson-Frenk and Bobbie Embrey at the opening of The Embrey Foundation's sponsoring of "Truth in Translation" performance chronicling the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on South African Apartheid. The Memnosyne Foundation sponsored students from DISD to be able to see the show with educators from The African American Museum in Dallas. Taos New Mexico USA - The Hopi Nation's United Nations Representatives and their Chief, Leigh Lamostoya, meet with the Navajo Traditional leadership to form the first alliance between the traditional leadership of the the two tribes in three centuries.
“ The Memnosyne Foundation’s global promotion of respecting people of diverse cultures from around the planet in turn benefits the development of humanity because it acts on the belief that if we approach those different from ourselves with humility, we will in turn learn a lot via an exchange of knowledge that will enrich life for everyone.”
- Communication Altruista - (Mexico's National Altruistic Radio Program)